Barbara Miller Books Newsletter Aug-Sept no 1 2024

Check out my instagram page where I put regular updates and subscribe here
And follow me on my Facebook page where I also post regularly here

Barbara Miller re her 2 memoirs – White Woman Black Heart and Secrets and Lies – brief interview
find them HERE

As always, it’s such a pleasure to connect with you through our monthly newsletter. I’ve been busy with voluntary work I do and helping my husband with his art gallery as he is an Aboriginal artist – Munganbana. You can glimpse his work here

However I do have a new writing project which is writing the story of a Holocaust survivor called Eva from Austria who has lived in Sydney for a long time now. I have known her for a few years and interviewed her before with the option of maybe one day writing her story. She is now keen to move it forward so I will be in Sydney 23-26 Sept to do more interviews and to meet someone who will make a documentary on her. So the 2 projects will go hand in hand.

I want to thank you for being a part of my reader community and I would love to hear more from you. What led you to pick up one of my books and what would you like to hear from me in future? What have you been reading lately and who are your favourite authors?

Photo of Barbara interviewing Eva on the left and Eva at the
Sydney Jewish Museum.


GET YOURS TODAY! find them here

Have You Always Dreamed of Being a Published Author? – The Successful Author Kit is for You.

Bestselling author Barbara Miller has produced the following guides to help you on your way to fulfilling your dream. It is called the Successful Author Kit. She knows what it takes to have a successful writing career. You can get the following guides in the kit:

  • Guide to Choosing Your Niche
  • Guide to Finding Your Book Topic and Title
  • Guide to Structuring Your Non-Fiction Book, and as a bonus
  • List of Resources for Authors

Barbara Miller Books Newsletter March 2023 no 2

Cairns Tropical Writers Festival 

Below Left Norman Miller, David Hudson MC, and Barbara at the Writers dinner, and Below Right, Barbara giving Norman’s book Reef and Rainforest: An Aboriginal Voice Through Art and Story to former Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Sallyanne Atkinson AO who hosted a session in conversation with Torres Strait Islander actor and author Aaron Fa’Aoso.

Sallyanne, along with Cheryl Buchanan, is now co-chair of the Interim Truth and Treaty Body in Qld. I gave Sallyanne a copy of my book Secrets and Lies: The Shocking Truth of Recent Australian Aboriginal History, A Memoir to give to Cheryl, an old friend of mine from University days.

Left – Welcome to Country at the Writers Festival and Right – Aaron Fa’Aoso with a friend

Have You Always Dreamed of Being a Published Author? – The Successful Author Kit is for You.

Bestselling author Barbara Miller has produced the following guides to help you on your way to fulfilling your dream. It is called the Successful Author Kit. She knows what it takes to have a successful writing career. You can get the following guides in the kit:

  • Guide to Choosing Your Niche
  • Guide to Finding Your Book Topic and Title
  • Guide to Structuring Your Non-Fiction Book, and as a bonus
  • List of Resources for Authors

If you would like more information, check it out here

My books can be found at the Munganbana Reef and Rainforest Aboriginal Art Gallery at 33 Lake St Cairns, at Cairns Books bookshop at Cairns Central Shopping Centre, on Amazon, and on my website – Happy reading!!

Left – Who were the first Europeans to set foot on Australian soil and where did it happen? Find out in “The European Quest to Find Terra Australis Incognita: Quiros, Torres and Janszoon.” Check it out here.

Right – A first-hand account of the Holocaust from a Polish Jewish woman who faced death daily in “If I Survive.” Find out more here.

Barbara Miller Books Newsletter Dec 2022


  • You’ve told someone “Sorry, I already have plans” when you wanted to get out of something to go home and read a book by yourself.
  • You follow bookstagram accounts on Instagram.
  • You’ve moved your favorite book to the “must read” display shelf at a bookstore.
  • You’ve recommended a book to a stranger at a bookstore.
  • You have your library card memorized.
  • You’ve downloaded an app that’s connected to your library so you can also check out books on your phone.
  • You like reading books before seeing the movie adaptations
  • You have your bookshelves organized in a particular way.
  • You’ve wished you could bottle the scent of new books
  • You’ve read a good portion of classic literature.
  • In any given year, it’s entirely possible that you’ve read more books than movies watched.
  • You’ve gone to your fair share of recycled bookstores.
  • You have a Pinterest board filled with dream in-home libraries.
  • You’ve Instagram-storied about what you’re currently reading at least once.
  • You can’t stop from commenting on someone’s status if they’re reading a book you read before.
  • You’re normally the first person someone goes to for book recommendations.
  • You’ve brought more than one book on vacation before.
  • You’ve cried real-ass tears on a page of a very tearjerking book.
  • You’ve been to a midnight release of a book.
  • You’ve written/drawn fan fiction for a book you loved.
  • You’ve joined a book club.
  • You’ve read a book that has actually made you hungry.
  • You’ve read a book that a celebrity has recommended.
  • And you’ve read books written BY celebrities.
  • You’ve stayed up past midnight reading a good book even though you had to be up early the next day.
  • You’ve experienced reading a book so good that you don’t know what could possibly top it.
  • You’ve read a book so terrifying you couldn’t read it at night.
  • You’ve dressed up as a book character on Halloween.
  • You’ve made at least one literary reference once in your life.
  • Or a literary pun.
  • You’ve accidentally given yourself a paper cut reading.
  • You’ve read a book with over 600 pages.
  • You’ve visited a location solely because a scene in a book was set there.
  • You’ve finished an entire book on a plane.
  • You’ve read three books in one day before.
  • You’ve called in sick to work because you just wanted to stay home and read.
  • You’ve gone to a book event to meet your favorite author.
  • You’ve had to give yourself a book-buying budget because you have a problem.
  • You and a friend have talked about a book’s plot for hours in depth before.
  • You own more books than pairs of socks.


Email me your comments


A message from my rainforest Aboriginal artist husband, Munganbana

Who wants some stunning (and Free!) rainforest art?
For the next 7 days I’m giving away a complimentary physical art print of my latest Collection, the Rainforest Collection, to anyone who wants one (Yes even you!)
The perfect art to bring the colour green, known for symbolizing life, renewal, nature, energy, and healing to your special space!
Go choose a free print of the 4 available here before the offer ends

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!!!

Plenty of books to choose from in the Miller Collection. As a Christmas and Hanukkah special, I will send a free copy (PDF or ebook) of the book of your choice to the first 10 readers who email me. 

Left – Who were the first Europeans to set foot on Australian soil and where did it happen? Find out in “The European Quest to Find Terra Australis Incognita: Quiros, Torres and Janszoon.” Check it out here.

Right – A first-hand account of the Holocaust from a Polish Jewish woman who faced death daily in “If I Survive.” Find out more here.


Barbara Miller Books Newsletter Nov 2022 No 2


My husband Munganbana Norman Miller and I are a creative duo. I am a writer and he is a rainforest Aboriginal artist. However, he is an internationally acclaimed author too. He wants to share his art with you. He says:

I’m giving my art print away for free. No kidding!
As a rainforest Aboriginal artist, I live and breathe the rainforest, hear its soothing sounds and get strength from walking on it barefoot and touching its healing leaves.
The collection on offer is called “The Rainforest Collection”, and is perfect to bring that
breath of fresh air and beauty from the rainforest into your life and home.
My prints are part of the 200 paintings in my book “Reef and Rainforest: An Aboriginal Voice Through Art and Story” that won an international award.
Looks like I’m being mobbed with orders but I don’t want to leave you out.
If you want to learn more, see the full collection of art and choose your free print,
click this link


This book was no 1 on Amazon USA in the Civil Rights and Liberties category on the weekend.

Check it out here


This book has previously been launched on zoom only because of COVID so we are taking the opportunity of presenting the prizes for a Big Boomerang Colouring In Competition for primary and high school students in Cairns and region that we have organised to combine events. The competition is to build awareness of a project we are promoting to build a Big Icon in Cairns like the Big Pineapple, the Big Banana, the Big Prawn etc. It would be Australia’s only Big Icon focusing on  Indigenous heritage. Prizes for the Colouring In Competition are family passes to Green Island on the Big Cat, Event Movies and Ten Pin Bowling and vouchers for accommodation at Coconut Resort and food at McDonalds and the Coffee Club. Norman and Barbara will also be giving away books. 



Secrets and Lies: The Shocking Truth of Recent Aboriginal History, A Memoir, is both a political chronicle and a personal memoir – a journey the young Barbara took into political activism and personal transformation, which became life-long. Barbara Miller shows the political and the personal can be two sides of a life journey of service.There is critical history in this book from an activist on the inside.  Yet the book also shows that political activism is not enough. It must be balanced by personal integrity and pursuit. The journey from the political into the personal, with fulfillment in spiritual practice, is also illuminating. Can we do one without the other?  I think not, whatever the spiritual practice is. 

Barbara’s book bought memories of the days of the Aboriginal Co-ordinating Council (ACC), both of us working at different levels within the ACC to respond to the directions and needs of the old reserve mission controls moving into deeds of grant in trust and ‘self-management’. Barbara’s political background provided essential insight and sound analysis. Mine saw the failure of the services delivered by a racist regime, with the ACC working to meet their legislative responsibilities. Barbara supported this work through research. Hers has been an inspirational journey of service at many levels.

Judy Atkinson, Emeritus Professor, PhD AM

Plenty of books to choose from in the Miller Collection

Left – Norman and Barbara with William Cooper Gentle Warriorbook and right – Lena Goldstein on her 100th birthday as Norman and Barbara present her with Barbara’s book on Lena’s life story –  If I Survive.