Download PDF Flier for the event. Hope to see you there!
By Barbara Miller
I now have my books about de Quiros and other explorers who searched for the great South Land in the following stores in Brisbane – Dymocks, CBD, Angus & Robertson Post Office Square, Avid Reader, West End, Christian Supplies, Milton and Qld Museum and Qld State Library bookshops. Also the William Cooper book. The former is also in the Catholic Bookshop in Canberra and both are in Koorong stores around Australia. Some libraries have copies eg AIATSIS, National Library, Qld State Library and Brisbane Square Library. Bridges for Peace supports their wonderful work by carrying a number of titles including my William Cooper book.
I was privileged to attend the opening of the Courage to Care exhibition and program in Brisbane on 5 June 14 and I’m pictured beside one of the exhibits. It honours William Cooper for leading the only known private protest worldwide against Kristallnacht in 1938 when he and the Australian Aborigines League walked from his home in Footscray to the German Consulate in Melbourne to deliver a letter of protest which was not received. Kristallnacht was the start of the Holocaust. Cooper was a Christian and a campaigner for his people.
Continue reading “Courage to Care exhibition opening”
Join author Barbara Miller for the launch of William Cooper: Gentle Warrior.
Free event but RSVP essential. 6.00 for a 6:30pm start. Bookings: 3846 3422 or online here:
Avid Reader Bookshop, 193 Boundary St, West End 6-8pm Tuesday 13 August
When Prime Minister Julia Gillard met with Jewish leaders in Sydney a few weeks ago and signed the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism, she was given a couple of books as a gift from the Jewish community. One of them was my book on William Cooper presented by Peter Wertheim, Executive Director of the Exec utive Council of Australian Jewry.
Continue reading “Presentations Of William Cooper, Gentle Warrior By Barbara Miller To Leaders”
Award winning photographer Barbara Oehring, has posted a lovely short blog post about the William Cooper event with some of her fabulous shots.
You can check it out here: