Holocaust Survivor Helps Launch William Cooper Book in Adelaide to the Sounds of Jimmy Little’s “Yorta Yorta Man” and Geoff Bullock’s song “The Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit” Stirs Hearts at the Launch of the European Quest Book
By Barbara Miller
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Thanks to Jenny Hagger, Director of AHOPFAN and team who organised my book launch for the State Library on 10 July. Norman and I arrived in Adelaide about 11am from Perth on Monday 7 July and we immediately did an interview by phone with Christian radio from Brisbane on National Aboriginal and Islander Observance Committee (NAIDOC). My first book is about William Cooper who is the father or originator of NAIDOC, the first one being held in January 1940 on the first Sunday before Australia Day. On Wednesday, Norman did interviews with ABC Cairns and Christian radio re NAIDOC.
Greg Sinclair, a relative of William Cooper, was not at a Wednesday meeting of the Adelaide Aboriginal and Islander Congress but Norman met him at the NAIDOC march Friday morning. We spoke at a number of meetings while in Adelaide, having a full schedule.
I had invited Andrew Steiner, a sculptor and Holocaust survivor to meet us at the State Library at 1.30pm before our 2-4pm book launch on Thursday. I had not met Andrew but have been on regular teleconferences with him assisting Alf Turner or Uncle Boydie to complete his grandfather William Cooper’s unfinished business. Norman asked him to address the book launch.
Thanks to Jenny Hagger, Director of AHOPFAN and team who organised my book launch for the State Library on 10 July. Norman and I arrived in Adelaide about 11am from Perth on Monday 7 July and we immediately did an interview by phone with Christian radio from Brisbane on National Aboriginal and Islander Observance Committee (NAIDOC). My first book is about William Cooper who is the father or originator of NAIDOC, the first one being held in January 1940 on the first Sunday before Australia Day. On Wednesday, Norman did interviews with ABC Cairns and Christian radio re NAIDOC.
Greg Sinclair, a relative of William Cooper, was not at a Wednesday meeting of the Adelaide Aboriginal and Islander Congress but Norman met him at the NAIDOC march Friday morning. We spoke at a number of meetings while in Adelaide, having a full schedule.
I had invited Andrew Steiner, a sculptor and Holocaust survivor to meet us at the State Library at 1.30pm before our 2-4pm book launch on Thursday. I had not met Andrew but have been on regular teleconferences with him assisting Alf Turner or Uncle Boydie to complete his grandfather William Cooper’s unfinished business. Norman asked him to address the book launch.